Sunday, July 31, 2011

Run #2

It's now 9:43am on this beautiful August 1st. I decided that it wasn't as hot as it's been the last few weeks so I went for an outside run. For those of you who are familiar with Taiwan's weather, the days heat usually begins at 7am. Needless to say, I am sweaty. I probably shouldn't even be sitting in our computer chair, now soaked with my fragrant salty sweat.
I ran for 20 minutes and went about 3 km. I had a stitch on the last leg and pushed myself to finish. Pitiful eh?

I am looking for advice! I need shoes, a watch, and everything else to get me started. Any suggestions?

I will be IRON MAN!

In the Beginning...

My name is Cameron Miller. I am 6'1" and weigh about 155lbs. I am 23 years old. I played soccer for about 12 years and was in great shape most of my life, that is, until I started my junior year in high school and stopped playing sports. While serving a mission for my church in Taiwan, I rode a bike every day (all day) and ran every other day for 30 minutes. I literally didn't drive a car for about 25 months.

The purpose of this blog is to have a little more motivation to go out an meet my goals. In Fall 2013 I want to do an Iron Man. I know that's a long ways away, but I have a long way to go. I plan to run everyday-ish, collecting advice and tips from runners along the way. PLEASE give me suggestions on gear, appropriate training distances, and how to avoid wedgies.

I've always questioned a runners ability to have an objective or goal without any sort of point system or scoring method. I HATE running, but could see how I might enjoy it more had I an unlimited supply of PCP. At this point in my life, I feel that running is a mindless "sport" for people who don't have any eye-hand coordination or failed at sports with balls.

My current abilities stand thus:

Q: Can you run for 30 minutes?
A: Can your mom? I ran for 15 minutes 3 days ago for the first time in YEARS. I ran 2.2 km and was dripping sweat off my elbows in an air conditioned gym. 30 minutes of running equals 30 minutes at a Rebecca Black concert; helllllll. That's mean.

Q: Any PR times?
A: In high school, I could run a 5:30 mile and every year for soccer had to do 2 miles in under 12:30 which was no problem for me. Was I in par with the X-Country kids? No, but at least I had a life!

Q: Long distance running experience?
A: One time I toilet-papered this girls house and her parents came out to catch us. I literally ran all the way home. The second the adrenaline stopped kicking I had a stitch so painful I had to lay in the bushes. Some of my friends got caught and had to clean it the next day. Being a loyal friend, I helped. Apparently, the dad fell while chasing us and scrapped his knees. He wore dinosaur band-aids.

Q: Any goals for this experience?
A: I want to be Iron Man! I want to run a marathon next summer and run a half marathon Spring 2012. I want to do it before I die... from running.