Wednesday, September 28, 2011

First 10-Miler

Yesterday, I set out to run 12-14km. I mapped out (sort of) a general plan to accomplish 12 and figured I'd take some side streets both there and back to increase the distance a bit. Well, I got lost. I ended up WAY too close to Daya and ended up on the highway.

I ran 16.22km or just a touch over 10 miles clocking in at 1:23:32. I felt really great and built up my confidence for my half marathon 12/31. Bring it!

I'm a little sore today. I rode my bike to and from school (I have to go back in an hour) which is only 1-14km round trip. I also swam 400m today. Any advice on what to eat? I'm hungry all the time.

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Longest Run: 15km

I felt great tonight. I ran 15.11 km in 1:17:37. With a half marathon on the way in just over 4 months, I feel confident that i'll be ready.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011


It's been more than two weeks since I've been on a scooter. I've been riding my bike everyday to school. The ride is about 6km and I've been pushing myself to get there in under 15 minutes. It's pretty difficult with all the red lights and traffic, but it's been a lot of fun.
I've also been swimming a few times. When it comes to triathlons (even sprints) I think swimming will be my weak point. Yesterday, the Feng Chia University swim coach timed me and wants me to join the swim team. That should help.

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Seiko 130th Anniversary 10k

I ran my first official 10k! I still haven't run a 5k... I should probably do that. There were more than 8,000 runners. I started my calibrated Nike+ Sportband when I crossed the starting line. My watch time was 47:09 at the 10k mark (that can't be right?) and the official clock time was 50:14. Considering it took me more than a full minute to cross the starting line with a couple thousand people in front of me, I am 100% sure I ran a sub-50 minute 10k. I have been running a tad over a month and a half, so I'd say that's a great time considering the lack of training I did.

I have another 10k planned October 16th in Yuanlin, Zhanghua County. I am super excited and going to set a goal of officially coming in at sub-50. Zhanghua County is a lot hotter than Taipei and the race starts later. It's going to be hot!

Here are some pictures of the day. This is me at 5:20am

 Registration mugshot. 


 My muscles are getting smaller. 

 We wanted a before and after photo. 

 8,000 people. I'm somewhere in there. 

 Feeling great at 47:09.

This guy seriously ran the whole 10k with the mask on. He was squirting people with water along the way. He was my best friend. 

 Post race picture. Poor Lauren didn't want to get close to me because I was leaking copious amounts of sweatual fluid. 

After a nap, 25lbs of food, and a shower, we went to Xindian and walked around Bitan.

We were very close to moving here but our plans changed. So sad, it's really beautiful.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Crazy Bike Day

I went for a long ride today. According to google maps I rode more than 30km today. Nothing major, but still a fun time.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Taper Run #1

With my first 10k on Sunday I am shortening my runs in preparation for the race! I ran 3.5km in 16:27. I was running a faster pace than usual because I knew it would be a shorter run.
Seiko sent me my 10k shirt with my running number. I read online that the first ten runners get free watches. It would be nice to be top ten, but let's face it, I've been running for less than two months and there's 8,000 participants. Wish me luck!

1st day of school swim

It was my first day of school at Feng Chia University here in Taichung. I had a lot to take care of finishing up my schedule and adding/dropping classes. After my day was over, I headed to the pool. I swam 4 laps at 100m per lap. Swimming 400m wore me out fast! I had to take breaks every 50m, so I can tell that this is where I'm really going to have to push.

Saturday, September 10, 2011

First Time Hitting 10km!

I finished my run at 10.35km with a time of 54:14. I hit a wall after 5km, pushed through it, and ended up with a great run. I was SO THIRSTY!
I woke up at 5am, ate a small breakfast, and left around 6:10am. It was already hot!

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Faster-pace short run...

I ran 3.57km in 16:44. I should have held the pace up and finished the 5k. I estimate I would have finished 5km in under 25 minutes.
I start school next week. Fortunately, I don't have any night classes this semester, so I will have time to continue training. I will be using the pool 2-3 times per week to train for my first sprint tri. We'll see how my swimming stamina is once I get in the pool.
Only 10 days until my 10k!

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Ankle Brace Run

I had my first run with the ankle brace and it went swimmingly. I ran 8.99km in 49:42. According to my Nike+ Sportband, I crawled at the end. It literally shows me going at a snail pace. Unfortunately, that wasn't the case. I sprinted the end and am guessing that I was a bit over 9km. Technology...
The ankle brace worked great though. Less than two weeks until my first 10k!

Saturday, September 3, 2011

Takin' it easy

I hurt my ankle today at work, so I took it easy today.
I ran 2.8km in 15:44. I mostly did it so I could get to the orange level in Nike running.

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Post Sick Run

I had a fever all weekend and was not feeling too great. On Monday I felt much better but it was still a little early to go running. On Tuesday, however, I decided to put my shoes on and go for  short run.
I ran 3.54km in 17:49. My pace was slightly quicker than usual, but I still feel a little weak from being sick, so I called it after 3.5km.
I will have some longer runs coming up later this week and next week.